Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Creating a more sustainable biofuel policy

Published 28 November 2012, updated 29 November 2012

The European Commission’s proposal to amend the Renewable Energy Directive should be welcomed as a first step towards the elimination of the adverse impact of biofuels. But more incisive action is badly needed in the future, writes Enrico Partiti.

Enrico Partiti is a doctoral fellow at the University of Amsterdam specialising in social and environmental standardisation.

As anticipated by a draft leaked in September, the Commission proposal for the amendment of the Renewable Energy Directive aims to address the adverse effects on food prices and in particular land-use change resulting from the EU support to the biofuel industry, by encouraging the transition from first-generation, or ‘conventional’, biofuels - produced from food-crops such as wheat, sugar and rapeseed - to second-generation biofuels.

The latter, also known as ‘advanced biofuels’, are obtained from non-food sources such as biomass, algae and municipal solid waste, and deliver higher greenhouse gas savings when the full production circle is considered.

The proposal tackles in particular one of the several controversial issues related to first-generation biofuels, the so-called indirect land use change (ILUC). The employment of food-crops for biofuel production rather than human consumption results in a restrain on the supply side that requires that new and previously uncultivated land is put to use.

This can cause substantial carbon emissions and loss of biodiversity.

When the Commission published its proposal for minimising the environmental impact of biofuel production by including also emissions resulting from ILUC in the calculation of greenhouse gas savings of biofuels, heated reactions ensued from producers and environmentalists alike.

Producers vocally complained against the introduction of a 5% cap of first-generation biofuels towards the attainment of the EU’s 10% target for renewable energy in transportation and the withdrawal of subsidisation for conventional biofuels: two measures that could potentially halt the development of the conventional biofuel industry.

Environmentalists deplored the missed opportunities to scrap the EU biofuel mandate altogether. Only this action, in their view, would limit the surge in food prices and the global rush for cultivable land, also known as land-grabbing, fueled by the European support of the biofuel industry.
ILUC, as also explained in the impact assessment document accompanying the Commission’s proposal, is a phenomenon that cannot be observed nor measured precisely.

In addition, the application of the precautionary principle was unavoidable considering the conflicting scientific evidence concerning the amount of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from ILUC, and the solutions put forward by the Commission seem to implement it effectively.

It is however regrettable that the Commission has failed to extend the application of the same precautionary approach to wider environmental and social concerns relating to the negative social and environmental consequences of extensive biofuel plantations, particularly in Africa, where they could even result in massive expropriations and human rights violations, including the human right to food, according to the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Olivier De Schutter.

A wealth of report and studies from NGOs and international organisations such as IIED-FAO, the World Bank and Oxfam, has shown that foreign investors are taking control of vast portions of land for biofuel production and export in their home countries, stripping local peoples of their land, which is oftentimes the only source of livelihood. Social tensions are aggravated, biodiversity is lost, and food prices are pushed up. None of these factors, unfortunately, is considered in the Commission proposal when assessing biofuels sustainability.

Since also public perception of first-generation biofuels is shifting and consumers are increasingly aware of their negative consequences, producers of conventional biofuels are now under pressure both from the regulatory and the market side.

Influencing the legislative process and attempting to maintain subsidisation of first generation biofuels, while responding at the same time to consumers demands for sustainability, has become a pressing need for the industry. As the Commission is of the view that after 2020 only biofuels which lead to substantial greenhouse gas savings will be eligible for subsidisation, producers do not have many options other than to walk the extra mile and strive to eliminate, or at least reduce drastically, all adverse environmental, and possibly also social, externalities arising from biofuel production.
They could do so by deciding to voluntarily comply with more stringent requirements addressing effectively social and broader environmental issues. As a starting point could be to set stricter common sectoral rules that level the playing field.

Subsequently producers could even employ market-based instruments such as labelling schemes and certifications already recognised by the Commission. In this way, biofuels addressing broader environmental and societal concerns could be readily identified by consumers and business operators, and could benefit from a competitive advantage on the marketplace.

For instance, out-grower systems could be established in the vicinity of the fuel-crops plantation in order to provide the affected population with sufficient food-crops for their consumption and thus mitigating the impact on food prices. Intensive monoculture could be discouraged to prevent loss of biodiversity, or reforestation zones could be established to counterbalance greenhouse gas emissions.

The biofuel market, to a large extent created and managed by EU regulators, represents a textbook example supporting the case for sectorial voluntary regulation, where it is in producers’ interest to act voluntarily and set new and more stringent rules to avoid even stricter ones, a de facto ban on conventional biofuels in this case.

Producers have therefore the option to address the issues left aside by the Commission and eliminate the adverse consequences of their products. Otherwise, the transition to second generation biofuels would really be ineluctable, also because it appears feasible from an economic perspective.

In either case, the possible elimination of food-based biofuels would most certainly be welcomed  by the almost one billion people that suffer from hunger every day. To them, it makes a little difference whether the solution comes from the Commission or from biofuel producers.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The New Syngas: New catalysts, opportunities for advanced biofuels

| November 26, 2012 

Primus Green Energy looks to an improved syngas-to-gasoline process as a renewable fuel game-changer.

Back in the 1970s energy crisis, the Brazilian government now (famously) marched down their path towards energy independence via ethanol produced from sugarcane – but it is less well known that the New Zealand government embarked on a unique program of its own. They fostered the building of the Motunui Synthetic Fuels Plant, which opened in 1986 with a goal of converting natural gas to gasoline, via an intermediate conversion steps into syngas and then methanol.

Combined with investments in liquefied petroleum gas and compressed natural gas, New Zealand at one point reduced its dependency on imported oil from 85 percent to under 50 percent. When crude oil prices dropped dramatically in the mid-1990s, the Synfuel plant stopped making gasoline from natural gas for economic reasons.

The bottom line: there’s a known path from syngas to gasoline, that makes sense economically in given price conditions.

In the biofuels revolution, the primary focus has been not on producing methanol (and, ultimately, gasoline) from syngas, but primarily on the production of ethanol. Three of the major names in the field- LanzaTech, INEOS Bio and Coskata – developed pathways for fermenting syngas using proprietary micro-organisms. INEOS Bio’s first small commercial plant was completed this year in Florida, while LanzaTech and Coskata have completed demonstrations of their technology. ZeaChem developed a hybrid system that included thermochemically converting biomass to ethanol via syngas, too.

When interest in drop-in renewable fuels began to increase in the late 2000s — given the costs of infrastructure change that ethanol required to reach high blend rates with gasoline — syngas continued to appear in the technology paths of companies like Rentech and Velocys (using modified F-T technologies).

Then, in the past two years, Sundrop Fuels and Primus Green Energy emerged from stealth with technologies that produced renewable gasoline from wood biomass, by first making syngas, then methanol, then gasoline — and ultimately embraced a flexible feedstock strategy that included natural gas. Primus is expected to complete its demonstration-scale plant by the end of Q1 2013.

By now, we’ve gone full-circle with the technologies – back to the same ideas that drove the New Zealand project in days gone by. XTL technologies that utilize biomass, coal or gas to produce syngas – and thence a pathways to affordable fuels – are very much in vogue at the moment.
But as Robert Rapier pointed out recently in the Digest: “The two major problems with any of the XTL technologies are that capital costs are extremely high, and a long-term, cheap feedstock supply must be secured. Shell’s initial estimate for the [Pearl GTL] plant was $5 billion, but by the time the project was completed the costs were estimated to be around $20 billion.”

So, what can be done? One, in the US and Canada there is the startling differential between the cost (per MMBTU) or natural gas, compared to crude oil. Two, critical improvements in processing technology – in most cases, moving beyond traditional Fischer-Tropsch technologies – that make projects work economically at a more flexible range of scales (and thereby, reduce capex) as well as reducing the operating costs.

Primus Green Energy

Take Primus as an example. “a difference between us and FT,” notes CEO Robert Johnsen, one of the co-founders of Mascoma before moving to Primus last year, “is that we are competitive at 25 million gallon scale. Also, modularization could be an option.”

Last March in New Jersey, Primus announced that it has completed its third round of funding with the recent $12 million investment by IC Green Energy Ltd, the renewable energy arm of Israel Corp. Ltd. This latest investment brings the total of funds raised since 2007 to $40 million.

 Primus already has a pilot test plant in operation at its Hillsborough complex, and the company hopes to break ground in early 2013 on its first commercial plant.

The company says that, at scale, it can produce gasoline at a price competitive with gasoline produced from petroleum at $60-$70 per barrel, based on a scale of 25-27 million gallons for its first commercial plant, and designs for up to four units with a capacity of 100 million gallons.

Feedstock flexibility

LanzaTech’s Jennifer Holmgren once warned the Digest. “it’s important not to marry a feedstock.”

That’s also the essence in Rapier’s warnings about the attractions of GTL technologies – going all-in on a feedstock whose price may flip into an unsustainable relationship to crude oil. So, it’s important to see the extension of technologies like Coskata, Primus and Sundrop into natural gas as a hedge against biomass prices rather than an abandonment of biomass.

The PGE technology

Conceptually, its not a difficult technology to understand.

First, biomass is gasified into syngas. If using natural gas, the NG is steam reformed into syngas using known technologies. Syngas is converted into methanol using known methanol synthesis and distillation technologies that companies like Johnson Matthey have provided for years. Finally, a variant of the ExxonMobil MTG (methanol-to-gasoline) process is used to make the final product.
Their secret sauce lies, as with many companies in the thermochemical space, in the proprietary catalysts and other improvements made in the basic process to make reactions faster and more efficient.

Greenfield or co-locate?

In the case of PGE, there are existing sources of syngas that might be tapped. “There is a whole menu of syngas options and sources I didn’t know about when we first set out to look at it,” said PGE’s Johnsen. “There’s waste syngas from industrial process, methane gas from MSW, syngas from coal. So, there’s an investigation that goes on to determine whether its better to purchase syngas over the fence, and achieve lower capex costs – or do a greenfield plant and produce syngas on site using known technologies.”


In part, the decision rests not only on the geographies of syngas as a feedstock, but on the availability and cost of wood biomass and natural gas. In particular, its notable that Israel has had some startling natgas discoveries and Israeli investors are behind PGE.

“We have had some discussions re Israel,” Johnsen said, “and the issue is the sequence of building plants more than anything else. If I had my druthers, our first commercial would be one car ride from our facilities here [in New Jersey]. We’ve looked at Louisiana, Texas, the Upper Midwest and Pennsylvania, among other locations. Ideally, we’d like to have as many options to tap into natgas pipelines or any source of syngas available, and those industrial gases that become available to us.”


One of the compelling claims of the PGE technology is its low capex. “In this space,” said Johnsen, “costs for first plants between $10-$20 per gallon of capacity are common. But, the capital efficiency of this design gives us a capex of $10 per gallon or less. And, anyone in the alternative fuels space assumes that the 2nd and 3rd plant, even with same capacity, will cost 10-20 percent less. The first plants are burdened by redundancies , and with experience you can cast off some costs and get to a leaner, more realistic process design.”

The bottom line

There’s syngas, and the new syngas. The sources appear to be widespread, and the minimum scales for commercial viability appear to have come down sharply – and the emergence of low-cost natural gas has added new investor interest as well as a solid hedge against upside down biomass vs crude oil economics. The technologies are heading for commercial scale now – so we can expect to see them emerge by mid-decade, proven at scale, if they are able to convert investor interest into commitment, and prove out the technology at scale.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Managing Woody Biomass: The Past Century in Review

Foresters and timberland managers have stabilized woody biomass in the U.S. for the last century, meeting consumer demand without exhausting supply.
By Joshua Kane Harrell | November 20, 2012
At the turn of the 20th century, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt warned Congress, with subsequent hyperbole appearing in New York Times headlines, that “a timber famine is inevitable.” Gifford Pinchot, the first chief of the U.S. Forest Service, echoed the sentiment by proclaiming, “In 20 years, the timber supply in the United States on government reserves and private holdings, at the present rate of cutting, will be exhausted.”  The timber famine or scarcity never happened, despite the increased consumer demand placed on our nation’s timber resources through the Roaring Twenties, post-World War II boom and other high-growth periods.

The complete opposite of timber scarcity has occurred over the past century. To exemplify the purest definition of sustainability, the amount of forestland in the U.S. has remained stable around 750 million acres from 1907 to 2007.  Additionally, over the past two decades, forestland has increased by 20 million acres.  As of 2006, the volume of annual net growth exceeded the volume of annual removals by 38 percent. The U.S. is growing more timber volume than it is harvesting, by a fairly wide margin.

If a timber famine occurred, stumpage prices—the amount paid for standing timber— would have reflected the inherent scarcity. According to the revealing economic study by Johnson and Libecap, the annualized rate of change in stumpage prices during the perceived timber famine era remained a constant 6 percent.  Supply and demand stayed in relative balance, never approaching a supply shortage that could be termed a “famine.”

Why has the timber resource remained abundant in the face of growing demand?  Simply put, markets existed that created demand. A major factor aiding in the expansion of forestland is the presence of deep, well-established markets for wood products. A nation of consumers required wood for prosperity, thereby fostering development of private sector innovation in the form of technological improvements in milling and tree-felling technology, advances in silviculture, tree-seedling genetics and tree-farming practices, and the conversion of degraded agricultural lands to timberland plantations aided by federal government programs. In the wake of appreciating timber commodity prices, the consumer side of the equation responded with advances in wood conservation measures (e.g., utility pole treatment) and product substitution.

Burgeoning Biomass Markets

Differentiating from the aforementioned traditional timber markets, the woody biomass market, defined as supply for energy demand, emerged vigorously over the past decade.  Ironically, wood has been used as a source of fuel in the U.S. since the Colonial Era. Seen through the prism of contributing to cellulosic ethanol, heat generation and electrical power generation, the growth of this emerging market has largely been precipitated by government subsidies, legislative initiatives/mandates, increasing oil prices, negative pressure on utilization of food resources and environmental solutions for alternative energy sources. The pressures for the woody biomass market
to flourish present a dichotomy of optimism and pause for concern over the actual market formation.
Forisk Consulting LLC estimates there are a total of 452 announced or operating woody biomass projects in the U.S. with a projected operating capacity of 124.8 million green tons of wood annually by 2022. Of the projects that actually pass the Forisk screening criteria of successful project financing, proven technology, permitting, supply agreements, etc., Forisk projects that only 77 million green tons of wood annually will be needed, a decrease of 38 percent from the total capacity of all 452 projects. As a data point, the forest products industry currently consumes more than 500 million green tons of wood annually.

Anecdotally, Forest Investment Associates has directly met with dozens of potential biomass participants who have expressed interest in securing biomass supply to support potential bioenergy projects. While FIA has had the opportunity to fully evaluate the potential for adding value to timberlands through working with some of these participants, the exercises were largely in vain. Substantiating the screening process conducted by Forisk, most of these potential biomass participants are no longer in existence for a myriad of reasons.

Stalled Biomass Markets

What has hampered the development of the woody biomass market?  There is no doubt the financial crisis of 2008-’09 took a toll. Largely, project financing, technological capability and environmental resistance have squeezed out potential market participants. In the first instance, a number of enterprises tried to put the cart before the horse by attempting to secure long-term biomass feedstock supply agreements, in order to secure debt financing, in order to build a biomass-using facility.  It seems cliché, but FIA is a firm adherent of the “Field of Dreams” mantra, “Build it and they will come,” i.e., if new bioenergy facilities that consume biomass are developed, forest landowners will respond to meet the new demand by growing more wood.   

In technological capabilities, FIA's interest in the market was piqued in 2006 by an announcement of the Range Fuels’ cellulosic ethanol facility in Soperton, Ga. At full production, the facility was projected to consume 1.6 million green tons of woody biomass feedstock, in an economically depressed area that could have benefited greatly from the related jobs. Sadly, the commercial-scale feasibility of the two-step, thermochemical conversion process was lacking, at least in profitability. With cautious optimism, FIA turns to KiOR Inc. as it prepares for the start-up of the newly constructed cellulosic biofuel blend stock facility in Columbus, Miss. While liquid fuel production from biomass has struggled, pellet production is a proven, long-established technology that provides a reliable market in certain locales, albeit dependent upon European policy models.

Much of the interest in woody biomass as an alternative fuel feedstock originated from the idea of American energy independence and environmental opposition to fossil fuel sources. Ironically, the same environmental community has condemned the use of woody biomass, petitioning for an equal carbon emissions footprint as coal. In the same vein, the final U.S. EPA Tailoring Rule announced in 2010 treated the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass-sourced and fossil fuel-sourced electricity in an identical fashion. The EPA has deferred the permitting requirements until 2014 in order to gather more data, in the meantime injecting a fair amount of uncertainty into the market.

Despite the setbacks in the woody biomass market, one thing has remained constant: the continual and sustainable management of the timber (and woody biomass) resource.

Biomass Keeps Growing

As an open free-market participant, foresters are poised to participate in supplying the emerging demand. In order to generate the highest returns for our clients, timberlands are managed for the highest and best product, which is presently sawtimber.

 If the net present value shifts such that a pulpwood or energy rotation provides a better proposition, management strategies will be adapted, as demonstrated in competitive pulpwood markets in the Southeast. Once upon a time, the southern forest products industrial landowners planted 1,000 to 1,200 trees per acre for the primary purpose of supplying feedstock for their pulp facilities. The mantra was, “plant them thick, cut them quick.” Since then, the sawtimber market has grown in the South, and the forest industry as a whole has practiced more intensive silviculture coupled with advanced gains in genetics. The optimum economic sawtimber rotation is satisfied by planting 500 to 600 trees per acre (with current mortality around plus or minus 5 percent in first year).  This planting density allows for a first thinning between ages 13 and 16 to remove pulpwood and a small amount of chip-n-saw.  The increased residual spacing allows for sawtimber growth optimization over the next 10 years or so, until final harvest.

In order to stay diversified in timberland management options, research and operational endeavors have been deployed to couple the pulpwood regime with the sawtimber regime in the form of so-called flex plantations. This method provides for the interplanting of lower-value and higher-value genetic seedling stock. Whatever direction the traditionally deep timber markets or emerging biomass markets may take, land managers and foresters will be poised to provide forest products to both markets in order to meet demand.

Author: Joshua Kane Harrell, Certified Forester
Regional Investment Forester, Forest Investment Associates

Monday, November 19, 2012

REA responds to anti-biomass power report

By Erin Voegele | November 19, 2012
The Renewable Energy Association has responded to a report published by RSPB, Friends of the Earth, and Greenpeace that claims biomass power is more polluting than coal-fired power. The report, titled “Dirtier than coal? Why Government plans to subsidise burning trees are bad news for the planet,” essentially argues that that EU policy is flawed in that it considers biomass to be free of direct carbon emissions. The groups call for an end to biomass subsidies and a comprehensive accounting system that includes what they define as “carbon debt” and indirect emissions from product substitution.

In a response to the report, Paul Thompson, head of policy at the REA, pointed out several flaws in the way it addresses carbon.  

"Even when we factor in the biomass supply chain, which includes shipping and processing, its carbon footprint is dwarfed by coal. This is a key part of the criteria the government uses to regulate the industry,” Thompson said. “It’s also wrong to claim that biomass leads to ‘carbon debt’. This argument ignores a number of realities about how forests are managed and the types of wood and crops that produce biomass feedstock. With sustainable forestry and the use of a mixture of biomass sources, carbon debt can be avoided altogether. Many forests around the world are actually in carbon credit as a result of better management linked to biomass energy use. In fact, biomass goes hand-in-hand with sustainable forestry practices that have contributed to a global rise in forest cover over the past 20 years. It’s a renewable fuel source that outperforms fossil fuels on a host of measurable benefits.”

In a fact sheet accompanying the response, the REA stresses that when biomass is burned, the carbon that is released has only been sequestered for the lifetime of that plant. When biomass cultivation is sustainably managed, the same amount of carbon is reabsorbed by new plant growth, keeping levels stable. Coal, on the other hand, releases emission that would have otherwise stayed locked underground.

The REA also points out that all biomass used for heat and power in the U.K. saves at least 60 percent carbon across the entire supply chain when compared to fossil fuels. In addition, the REA said that the energy industry is able to use a wide range of wood to generate power, and that it does not necessary compete directly with other sectors that use wood, such as furniture makers or the construction industry.

The REA’s complete response is available on its website.

USDA announces payments to pellet, biogas producers

By Erin Voegele | November 19, 2012
On Nov. 16 the USDA announced more than $15.7 million in payments to 189 companies under USDA Rural Development’s Advanced Biofuel Payment Program. The program, which was established under the 2008 Farm Bill, provides payments to support the production and expansion of advanced biofuels. Eligible producers receive payments based on the amount of biofuel produced from certain types of renewable biomass, including cellulose, sugar, starch from sources other than corn, hemicellulose, lignin, waste materials, biogas, and non-food crops.

“These payments support the nation’s expanding alternative fuels industry by encouraging the use of renewable feedstocks and helping to create a stronger energy future,” said Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development Dallas Tonsager. “Advanced biofuels production is a key component of the President’s 'all-of-the-above' energy strategy, which is designed to reduce America’s reliance on foreign oil.”

Several companies received payments under the round of funding for the production of pellets and biogas, including:

- Forest Energy Corp: $7,765, pellets
- Fiscalini Properties LP: $684, anaerobic digester
- Gallo Cattle Company LP: $1,739, anaerobic digester
- High Mountain Fuels LLC: $22,685, landfill gas
- Rocky Mountain Pellet Co. Inc.,: $3,572, pellets
- Appling County Pellets LLC: $33,663, pellets
- Agpower Jerome LLC: $2,754, anaerobic digester
- DF-AP#1 LLC: $2,470, anaerobic digester
- Lignetics of Idaho Inc.: $33,761, pellets
- Rocky Canyon Pellet Co. LLC: $1,459, pellets
- Bio Town Ag Inc.: $3,821, anaerobic digester
- Energex American Inc.: $11,742, pellets
- Somerset Hardwood Flooring: $9,060, pellets
- Southern Kentucky Pellet Mill Inc.: $1,266, pellets
- Geneva Wood Fuels LLC: $5,866, pellets
- Maine Wood Pellet Company LLC: $13,294, pellets
- Northeast Pellets LLC: $1,306, pellets
- Green Meadow Farms Inc. $797, anaerobic digester
- Maeder Brothers Quality Wood Pellets Inc.: $592, pellets
- Michigan Wood Pellet Fuel LLC: $2,454, pellets
- P.W.G.G. LLC: $998, pellets
- Scenic View Dairy LLC: $10,548, anaerobic digester
- Cargill Inc.: $431,403, anaerobic digester and biodiesel
- District 45 Dairy LLC: $2,963, anaerobic digester
- Riverview LLP: $4,643, anaerobic digester
- West River Dairy LLP: $1,144, anaerobic digester
- Enviva LP: $62,336, pellets
- New England Wood Pellet LLC: $35,852, pellets
- Mt. Taylor Machine LLC: $711, pellets
- Aurora Ridge Diary LLC: $984, anaerobic digester
- American Wood Fibers Inc.: $5,037, pellets
- Quasar Energy Group LLC: $1,505, anaerobic digester
- Bear Mountain Forest Produces LLC: $818, pellets
- Frank Pellet LLC: $891, pellets
- Pacific Pellet LLC: $1,410, pellets
- Stahlbush Island Farms Inc.: $8,156, anaerobic digester
- Hassell & Hughes: $2,803, pellets
- Unaka Forest Products Inc.: $3,370, pellets
- Element Markets LLC: $5,398, anaerobic digester
- Potomac Supply Corp.: $4,963, pellets
- Turman Hardwood Flooring Inc.: $3,649, pellets
- Audet’s Cow Power LLC: $547, anaerobic digester
- VT Wood Pellet Co. LLC: $2,104, pellets
- Farm Power Lynden LLC: $1,167, anaerobic digester
- Farm Power Rexville LLC: $3,938, anaerobic digester
- FPE Renewables LLC $3,938, anaerobic digester
- GDR Power LLC: $1,838, anaerobic digester
- Qualco Energy: $927, anaerobic digester
- Bach Digester LLC: $678, anaerobic digester
- Buckeye Ridge Renewable Power LLC: $4,982, anaerobic digester
- Clover Hill Dairy LLC: $595, anaerobic digester
- Dairy Dreams: $916, anaerobic digester
- Dejno’s Inc.: $881. Pellets
- Green Valley Dairy LLC: $1,449, anaerobic digester
- Grotegut Dairy Farm Inc.: $3,428, anaerobic digester
- Holsum Dairies LLC: $3,485, anaerobic digester
- Indeck Ladysmith Biofuel Center: $5,512, pellets
- Marth Peshtigo Pellet Company LLC: $3,400, pellets
- Marth Wood Shaving Supply Inc.: $4,010, pellets
- Norswiss Digester LLC: $4,236, anaerobic digester
- Pagel’s Ponderosa Dairy LLC: $3,007, anaerobic digester
- Quantum Dairy LLC: $597, anaerobic digester
- Stargest Power LLC: $4,831, anaerobic digester
- Stratz Brothers Inc.: $1,903, anaerobic digester
- Wood Fibers Inc.: $1,558, pellets
- Hamer Pellet Fuels: $2,658, pellets